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عملاق ازالة الفيروسات والأسباي وير ESET NOD32 Antivirus & Smart Security v6 0 308 0 Final بأحدث أصدار للنواتين x64-x32 + التفعيل حصري لداي فور ايجي
May 7th 2013, 00:10

عملاق ازالة الفيروسات والأسباي ESET NOD32 Antivirus & Smart Security

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ESET - provides effective protection against evolving threats.

And finally ESET has published the final line of the English-language version 6 such a popular and reliable anti-virus solutions for years proven safe use.

ESET Smart Security 6.0 - a new version of a complete security system from the company Eset.

Solution all-in-one with a multi-layered defense that combines antivirus, anti-spyware module software, personal firewall and a module to combat junk e-mail newsletters.

Each module Smart Security is configured to interact with other parts of the program, thus ensuring full protection for your computer and that is not unimportant, optimal use of system resources.

Protect your PC or laptop from loss or theft with the functionality of the new Anti-Theft.

Anti-Theft function (Anti-Theft) can detect the location and recover a lost or stolen laptop or computer.

Once you mark on a web portal ESET Anti-Theft, the computer is lost or stolen, the device is activated automatically monitor and allows you to monitor the position of the laptop or computer on the map, using Wi-Fi.

When a lost or stolen device connects to the network, you have access to all the information collected on the website Anti-Theft.

Major improvements and changes in version 6.0

New. Anti-Theft function (Anti-Theft)

New. Scan when the computer is idle

New. Scan while downloading files

New. Rollback

Improved. Heuristics - detection directly in memory

Improved. Cloud reputation files

Improved. Personal firewall

Improved. Interface with the status of protection activity.

The main advantages of ESET NOD32 Smart Security 6.0

Stay a safe distance away from Internet threatsThe removal of all types of threats, including viruses, rootkits and spyware.

Opportunities cloud scanning for quick computer scan, high security and check USB-flash drives, CD and DVD-ROM drive when you connect.

Protect your personal information from online theftStops hackers who can get your passwords and bank details.

Makes your computer invisible to other users on the public Wi-Fi networks and protects your data from being copied to USB-connected device.

Make the Internet safe for your childrenParental Control ESET NOD32 gives you the opportunity to show their children safe from Internet.

You can block web sites in more than 20 categories, and add specific sites to the black list.

Main features of ESET NOD32 Smart Security 6.0ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6 - the next generation of reliable, advanced protection against threats endangering your PC.

Viruses, worms, Trojans and other malicious programs now can not cause any harm to information valuable to you.

More efficient and reliable cloud protection, makes you feel that your computer is safe when the device is online.

Advanced detection methods are used in this program, provides protection even against future potential threats, which are the new worms and viruses.

Antivirus NOD32 6.0 - a new antivirus solution from ESET, offers improved heuristics unknown threats, cloud technology definition file reputation and an updated interface.

In version 6, added the ability to automatically scan your computer while it is idle, check the file itself at boot time and the opportunity to cancel the updates.

Major improvements and changes in version 6.0

New. Scan when the computer is idle

New. Scan while downloading files

New. Rollback

Improved. Heuristics - detection directly in memory

Improved. Cloud reputation files

Improved. Interface with the status of protection activity.

Main features of ESET NOD32 6.0 AntivirusStay a safe distance away from Internet threatsThe removal of all types of threats, including viruses, rootkits and spyware.

Opportunities cloud scanning for quick computer scan, high security and check USB-flash drives, CD and DVD-ROM drive when you connect.

Enjoy the full power of your computerNOD32 Antivirus leaving more resources for the programs that you use daily, the solution allows you to play, work, and visit Web sites on the Internet without delays.

Leaves more time for online activities in battery saving mode, and offers a game mode, so that the defense would not distract popups.

Set it and forgetProvides a high level of security with the default settings.

NOD32 Antivirus allows you to easily configure and run a scan, and quickly find the required parameters.

In addition, you can fine-tune your security with more than 150 detailed settings

Antivirus v6.0.308.0 Final

Smart Security v6.0.308.0 Final

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مسابقه أجازة نهاية العام الدراسي
May 6th 2013, 22:02

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

نفتتح معكم اليوم ونشهد انطلاق اول مسابقه في منتديات داي فور ايجي

وندعو الله التوفيق والسداد واستكمال مسيرتنا التي تشهد الكثير والكثير من التطور

اولآ لتعرف شروط وقوانين وطرق التسابق

تفضل هنا

مسابقة أجازة أخر العام مقدمه من داي فور ايجي

ثانيآ بعد التعرف علي الشروط والقوانين والطريقه

نضع بين ايديكم الأطار التي ستقوم عليه المسابقه الأولي

1- الأقسام المطلوب العمل فيها : أقسام الموضه - المكياج - الطبخ - الطب - تطوير المنتديات - الموبايلات - الأسلاميات

2- طرق العمل وضع عدد معين من المشاركات سنقوم بتحديده في المراكز في اخر الموضوع

3- الربح يكون كروت شحن - سيرفرات شيرنج - عضويات في تراكرات - اوسمه في المنتدي - تسليم بيد بيد لمبالغ ماديه في حال التوفر - عضويات ذهبيه وترقيات في المنتدي


المركز الأول
2500 موضوع كتابي + 200 رد
الجائزة: سيرفر ويندز عالي الأمكانيات - او ما يعادل ثمنه

المركز الثاني

2000 موضوع + 100 رد
الجائزة: سيرفر ويندز متوسط الامكاينات - او ما يعادل ثمنه

المركز الثالث
1500 موضوع + 80 رد
الجائزة: كارت شحن فئه 50 جنيه - او ما يعادل ثمنه

المركز الرابع والأخير
1000 موضوع + 60 رد
الجائزة: كارت شحن فئه 25 جنيه - او ما يعادل ثمنه

لوضع طلب الأشتراك في المسابقه
من هنا

قسم طلب الأشتراك في المسابقات

وسيتم الأعلان عن الفائزين هنا

قسم الفائزين في المسابقات

المسابقه تبدا من 1-6-2013 وتنتهي 1-7-2013

يجب علي الفائزين تخطي القدر المطلوب من المشاركات والردود بمشاركه واحده للحصول علي الجوائز وبالتوفيق
الموضوع الأصلي : مسابقه أجازة نهاية العام الدراسي     -||-     المصدر : منتديات داي فور ايجي     -||-     الكاتب : Eng MedoSamer2

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