اقدم اليوم موضوع عن الدفاع الجوى وانظمه الرادارات فى مصر
وخاصه التى ترصد الاهداف الشبحيه
لكن قبل ذلك احب اذكر بعض الاعضاء ان قائد الدفاع الجوى
المصرى اكد ان مصر تمتلك ما يصد هذه الاسلحه الشبحيه
ولننتقل لنقطه الرادارات التى هى المهمه بالنسبه لبعض الاعضاء المشككين
لكن اولا يجب ان نعرف ما الاسلحه التى تهددنا
والجميع يعرف انها الامريكيه
والحل الوحي لردع هذه المنظومه هى الموجات الاتية:vhf
وسوف نتحث عن الاول وهو رادار تمتلكهمصر ويعمل بهذه الموجات
موجات فى اتش اف
ونوع الرادار هوا
ولن اقوم بالترجمه لهذه القطعه التالية
لتتاكدوا من كلامى
The P-18 early warning radar is a development of the earlier p12
the P-18 radar being accepted into service in 1970 following the successful
completion of the radars test program. The P-18 was developed by the SKB Design Bureau, a division of State Plant No.197 named after
who developed the previous P-12, the predecessor of the current Nizhniy
Novgorod Research Institute of Radio Engineering (NNIIRT). In 1979 a
new secondary IFF radar the 1L22 "Parol" entered into service to
complement the P-18, unlike the previous secondary radar NRS-12 (NATO
"Score Board") the new interrogator was carried on a separate truck
The P-18 is still in service today and was widely exported, many
companies offer upgrade options to improve the performance and
reliability of the radar and to replace out-dated components. NNIIRT
offers an upgrade package for the P-18 which includes the installation
of a transmitter and receiver, automatic jammer suppression equipment as well as pc based signal processing, test and interface equipment.
These upgraded variants of the P-18 can be referred to as the P-18M,
P-18-1 or P-18-2 depending on the manufacturer, modification and radar
nationality. The P-18 was superseded by the 1L13 "Nebo" VHF surveillance
radar in 1984. Currently, the Russian-Belarussian company defance system provides upgrades for P-18 radars.
وهذا الرادار قادر على اكتشاف الاف35
الدول المستخدمه
- Soviet Union - Passed to successor states.
- Bulgaria
- Georgia
- Latvia
- Hungary - Displayed during Kecskemét 2007 Air and Military Show,[5] upgraded by HM Arzenal from 2000.[6]
- Kazakhstan - Upgraded by Aerotechnica MLT.[7]
- North Korea
- Czech Republic - Used by fist "Flying Rhino" NATO Exercise 1999
- Poland - Known as "Laura" locally.[8]
- Romania[9]
- Serbia - Upgraded to track stealth planes and responsible for tracking and downing F-117 in Kosovo War in 1999 [1]
- Finland - Known as "Maalinosoitustutka 2", used for anti-aircraft artillery as well as now-obsolete S-125 Neva/Pechora batteries.[10]
- Cuba
- Egypt [11]
وتمتلك مصر ايضا الp14
الذى يعمل على نفس الموجات
وان شاء الله ساحاول ان اكمل المواضيع بباقى الرادارات التى تشكل خطر على اسرائيل
وعزرونى لو لم تكن الكتابة جيده
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